Bruce wrote:

> In the US, if both companies were on equal footing that would be true.
> The basic problem is that a DSLR costing $1500 USD is not inexpensive.
> The MZ-S at $800 is not selling well compared to a Nikon F100 at over
> $1000.

True enough, but lets not forget that the MZ-S was never intended as competing head on 
against the F100; the cameras are obviously too different for that. The MZ-S would 
never been mistaken for a Nikon and was basically about taking the MZ-5n interface to 
a new level integrated with more features.  
However, the *ist D is going to compete head on with the appropriate Nikon and Canon 
offerings and is similar in every major respect except for a smaller size which might 
be an advantage or not possibly depending on who you ask. And, as you say, the price 
of $1500 range, which is realistic, isn't going to make it easier as this price makes 
it the most expensive K-mount AF camera ever. 

>  I think that people willing to spend $1500 would take a hard
> look at the companies and system.  At this point, Canon has a much
> better story to tell.  Current track record D30, D60, 1D, 1DS and now
> 10D - IS and USM lenses, broader line of lenses, pro support, well
> known brand name and visible working pros using the system.  Pentax
> doesn't have any of those things.  

True, and not only because they cost $1500, but because switching to digital is a 
major turning point for most. Major turing point are the crossroads where most are 
switching systems. You need a carrot. 

>Mostly they are known for P&S and
> entry level SLR's.  People who buy current Pentax products are not
> going to spend $1500 on a DSLR.  People who have old lenses that they
> haven't used in years are not going to spend $1500 on a DSLR.  They
> are actively using something else or are not ready to spend that much
> on a DSLR.  $1500 may be inexpensive for a DSLR, but it is still very
> expensive for a camera.  The *ist D is going to be the most expensive
> camera that Pentax has put out in a long time (The last of the LX, I
> wouldn't really count as a main stream product - more collector/Pentax
> purist).  So, either the *ist D needs to be obviously better spec'ed
> than the 10D or obviously better priced.  Based on everything we know,
> the *ist D is NOT obviously better spec'ed.  Therefore, it need to be
> OBVIOUSLY better priced to really take off.

Agreed. It just think that the *ist D had been infinitely more sexy than it is, and 
had a less stupid name, it would have helped a lot. 

> Mind you, I'm not saying it won't sell, just that it won't make any
> serious inroads into the general DSLR market.  Us Pentaxians will
> support it, but we are small in number and only a small percentage of
> us will buy it (reality check).  Many are waiting for a lower price,
> version 2 (bugs worked out) or full frame sensor.
> So I am saying that there needs to be an OBVIOUS reason to choose the
> *ist D over the 10D Canon.  So if there feature set is very similar
> and their price is very similar, what is so different?  The Brand for
> one, and in this country that pushes people to Canon.  Size is a
> difference (I'm glad that it is smaller), but I'm not hearing or
> reading that it makes any material difference.  Oh, yeah, the 10D has
> a magnesium outer shell - big plus towards the 10D.

Thats what I've been saying too and as someone, a rare animal indeed, who actually buy 
Pentax stuff new, I'm carefully judging the alternatives and I'm not convinced.

> So you tell me, how is Pentax going to turn heads and get people to
> buy the *ist D over the Canon 10D?

By putting it into an irresistible, sexy body (look at the Optio S). Who would you 
date; a sexy playboy model or an ugly rocket scientist? Im shallow enough to make that 
decision a no brainer, and so are most people.


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