Chris Brogden writes:

> " Born Again " by David A. Mann, New Zealand 
> Not bad, David.  The background is beautifully out of focus, and I love
> the almost ethereal look of the shedded skin.  You also captured the event
> at a particularly good moment, as it's just pulling itself out but hasn't
> emerged completely.  I love it!

 Thanks for the comments, Chris.  It's good to get someone else's point of 

 I really like using shallow DOF in my macro shots.  It helps to isolate my 
subjects from what are usually very distracting backgrounds.  Plus it 
generally allows me to shoot handheld which fits my 35mm "style" well.  And 
after having had Superia 400 enlarged a few times, I like to be able to use the 
Reala instead...

>  Moving closer to the insect would have
> made it a little larger (not a big deal) and would have removed some of
> that out-of-focus (rock? wood?) in the foreground that I find a little
> distracting.

 I think you might be right there.  I was pushing the (technical) limits for 
getting that shot though, so more magnification would have given me even 
less DOF and been more susceptible to shake.  But that doesn't excuse me 
for not cropping it!

 BTW the foreground is indeed rock, covered in some strange moss-like 
stuff.  Often when shooting with limited DOF I'll move around the subject to 
get my plane of focus in exactly the right place.  I'd seriously love a tilt/shift 
macro lens, as absurd as it'd look, but at the time I didn't consider my focal 
plane (I hate it when I don't look at the _entire_ viewfinder - it's so easy to 
just look at the subject).

 > The insect itself is still a little blurry, but I think that
> works well with the muted colours and soft tones.

 I must admit that the scan doesn't do justice to the print (that's on top of the 
lens being wide open).  The scanner itself is pretty soft and I'm only just 
starting to pick up the workings of Gimp (a photoshop clone).  Hopefully by 
the next PUG I'll have gotten the "feel" of the Unsharp Mask tool.


- Dave

David A. Mann, B.E.

"Why is it that if an adult behaves like a child they lock him up,
 while children are allowed to run free on the streets?" -- Garfield
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