Accept my appologies too. I've been a bit testy lately.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andre Langevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2003 9:07 AM
Subject: Re: Is flare bad?

> Bob, I'm sorry.  I was not trying to win a battle.  I thought it
> would have been fun to put the exact words on a few phenomenas
> relating to unwanted reflections inside a lens.
> >  > You tell me that flare is a type of ghost.  I would say that ghost is
> >>  a type of flare...
> >
> >Now you're really pissing me off because I've never said that flair is a
> >type of ghost. In fact, in my first post on the subject I listed ghosts
> >only one of many types of flair! Therefore in my first post, I said that
> >ghost is a type of flair!
> You're perfectly right.  I was carried away by "...what the manual is
> talking about is a ghost. A ghost larger than the frame..."
> >In your zeal to be so god damned bright, you've
> >entirely misrepresented what I said
> You're right and I'm sorry.
> >in order to attempt to win some stupid
> >little argument, probably to boost your ego.
> Again, I wanted to reach some agreement on how to define precisely
> those phenomena.  I was not trying to boost my ego, even if it might
> need it.
> I was not confortable with this discussion likely to appear as an
> argument but I don't know how to change the feeling of a discussion
> with english words, I can only write coldly in english, "going to the
> point" etc.
> >Fine. Have it your way. Put whatever words you want into my posts and
> >they are mine, then argue against them so everyone will know that you are
> >such a smart fellow. I have no interest in dealing further with the likes
> >you.
> I'm sorry again.  It's the first time I get zealous in a PDML
> discussion.  Much of my job has to do with finding the right words to
> describe different phenomena.. and the only computer I have access to
> is at work...  I must be conditionned.
> Please accept my apologies,
> Best regards,
> Andre
> I'll try some humor:
> Is flare bad?  When it brings too much reflections, yes.

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