Pentax Scandinavia, who translates the *ist user manual from english to swedish, confirms that the *ist is not compatible with K and M lenses. They should now, since they written it in the user manual!

It's clear now that the first press release from Pentax U.S.A contained errors, and that Pentax Canada, Germany, Switzerland and Scandinavia had the correct information.

The *ist D will be compatible with K and M mount lenses, but the *ist isn't. It can meter with K and M lenses when they're set at the widest aperture, it even can take pictures but you can't use them at another aperture than the widest setting so they're practically useless on the filmbased *ist.

Since the *ist is less than a month away, Pentax has no time to change the specifications. The manuals are at the printing stage right now, and the production plant will soon start producing.

Best wishes,

From: Keith Whaley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 13:15:35 -0800

Can't even wait until the new camera even comes out, right?
We all know, or should, that Pentax U.S.A. doesn't know squat! Never
did, never will.
If Pentax Japan doesn't tell them, which they normally don't, the USA
marketing arm knows nothing.
Forget the specs they quote. They don't know.
Until you can verify it with U.S. produced tests and other reports,
you don't know either...

1/8 of the pdml has vacated or expressed their intention to do so,
based on faulty and incomplete information from those who Japan won't
even wet upon. And you believe THEM?

Hah! I'll wait to see the actual camera. Pentax Japan still has time
to change their minds, and pay attention to the folks buying the
camera, and who knows WHAT they will be shipping?

So far, NO-one does! Get with it, folks.

It isn't true until it'strue! Hang in there.

keith whaley

Artur Ledóchowski wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Levente -Levi- Littvay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: *ist - not compatible with K and M lenses (confirmed).
> > That SUX...
> Yes, more than anything.
> Until now I was going to buy the *ist - but not anymore... I'll wait for
> something else.
> This means IMHO that the new agressive Pentax marketing is turning towards
> the Nikon way (sort of), i.e. maintaining partial compatibility with old
> lenses and limiting the full compatibility to the top models. It seems that
> we have to accept the fact that maintaining this most exceptional feature by
> Pentax is over. In return we receive "numbers" - 11 AF sensors, 13 segments
> of the matrix etc.
> Well, anyway...
> Regards
> Artur

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