frank theriault wrote:
> Hi, Keith,
> Maybe you were including me in the ostrich-mimickers, maybe not - it doesn't
> really matter to me, one way or the other.

Nah, they know who they are. And so do you.
> But, just because one doesn't wish to see politics, etc. discussed here (it is
> "list policy", after all), doesn't mean that one's head is in the sand.  

Absolutely true, sir. I didn't bring the subject up. Those who blanch
at merely seeing the WORD are the ones I am gunning for (got 'em twice
in one email!) <grin #1>

> I, for one, was until quite recently, very politically active.

I'm now a-political. I have opinions, and some strong ones, but am not
what you'd call partisan.

> Now, if what you mean is that anyone whose political opinions differ from yours
> has their head in the sand, well, that's a different issue altogether...

Certainly not! No sir! Most of my best friends are of a different cut
of political cloth. Doesn't bother me at all.
My own daughter, bless her soul, is miles apart from me in terms of
women's lib issues and Democrat vs. Republican issues. She's amazed
when I tell her the RNC doesn't speak for me anymore. Hasn't for years
and years. I'm one of the original hybrids...

Still, she's a brilliant, successful kid (of 40!) and has a great
business head on her shoulders...
It simply doesn't matter to me WHO she votes for! We talk about many
other things...
Know what? She doesn't turn white-faced or get palpitations when I
speak the word 'gun' in her presence... 
We lambaste many colors of politicians, quite freely, and gleefully!
when we get together.

No reason Ostrich Boy can't be the same way. <big grin>  If I respect
everything else about you, who _cares_ what your political beliefs are?
You could even admit to a love for Pentax's and I'd still respect you
in the morning! <g#3>


> cheers,
> ostrich boy <vbg>
> Keith Whaley wrote:
> > The people who, when a different subject is mentioned, and especially
> > any subject containing the word gun, or perhaps violence, or
> > especially "politics" <gasp!> get a huge shot of adrenaline, and
> > quickly put their heads back in the sand again! Those are our resident
> > ostrich-mimicking Pentax list persons.
> >
> > keith whaley
> >
> --
> "Honour - that virtue of the unjust!"
> -Albert Camus

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