William Robb wrote:

Hi Bill,

Late in on this one but I pretty much share the same viewpoint.

> Photography is my leisure time.
> I want to spend it working with equipment that pleases me. If I don't like
> the feel of the equipment, I won't want to use it.
> The best equipment in the world won't give good results if you hate it to
> the point of not using it.

For years I used cameras as a device to record how bits came apart - car
restoration and the like - no technical quality or inspirational shots -
just does it show what I needed to know. If it did, job sorted.

Now I have a different angle, taking pictures which please, for my benefit
mainly. Certainly the camera is important in how it ~feels~ and my MXs/LXs
do that. The 67 certainly does feel value for money.

> I have handled a lot of cameras that are technically superior to what I am
> using in most respects. Unfortunately, they have user interfaces that I
> dislike, or they feel like plastic fantastic crap.
> I tolerate the foibles of my 3 LX's because I enjoy using them
> more than any
> other 35mm camera I have tried out.

There you have the advantage of me, I have nearly no experience with any
other make. Pentax made what I wanted with materials I like. I look forward
to handling an *ist D.

> I like cameras, not photography. Photography is a means to an end. The end
> is using equipment that pleases me, and gives me an excuse to travel to
> places I might not otherwise see. If I get a nice picture for the wall, or
> someone compliments one of my meager offerings to the PUG or
> Photosig, thats
> a bonus.

I would love to have a published cover shot on a magazine, not anything
necessarily with a big audience, not for money, just to say I have done it.
I have only had one photo published (years ago in a local paper) with a
feedback that was dire!

> However, I am probably in the minority.

Oh! I don't know.

The only limit I have now set myself with camera equipment, is that if I
have not used an item for 6 months, it gets sold.


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