Boz wrote:

Back to Arnold Stark's idea. If the *ist does DOF properly with K and M lenses and is able to combine DOF preview with exp. lock, then even most of the inconvenience of the crippled mount is solved. You simply press exp. lock WHILE HOLDING the DOF preview button.

This is a great idea that does not cost Pentax anything in hardware and almost totally overcomes the limitations of the crippled mount, so it will be inexcusable if they did not implement it. On the other hand, even this will not work for flash exposures...

I am happy that you like my idea! And I agree with you that it would be very hard to understand if Pentax would not implement such function. However, the MZ5 lacked DOF preview and exposure lock, and this was quite unforgivable, too (and this were the reasons why I didn't buy a Pentax AF camera until the MZ5-N came out). Also, I think that turning/pushing two buttons at a time with the same hand is awkward, so I suggest that the "stopping down + measuring" woul better be enabled by just activating DOF-preview AND/OR by pushing the exposure lock button - whenever the aperture ring of the lens either has no "A" position or is set at another position.


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