
I have tried the newer ones, There are actualy 2 Crumpler shops near me.
They also sponsored a launch we had at work with free bags and one of the
guys here at work is a good friend with the owner, they come fron the same

I think my issue with the packing is not that they are small, just the shape
i didnt find was good for camera gear. Most people seem to like them for
just carrying stuff around in.

I've gone through alot of bags in the past few years and i just seem to keep
coming back to a Domke F6 and F2, although they arnt that great as a
everyday bag.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lukasz Kacperczyk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: Crumpler bags

> > Con's
> > - Not very easy to pack
> Well, yes - it's quite tight, but that's something one gets used to.
> > - Has a tendency to slip around on your shoulder
> Haven't noticed, although I wear it across my chest so that may be the
> explanation.
> >
> > I prefer Domke myself.
> For me, a crossover between a Domke and a Crumpler would be ideal -
> Domke-style metal clamps (or whatever they're called) on the top flap and
> the back compartment for storing documents, and the rest from the Oh Lord,
> and I'd be very happy.
> BTW, Paul - have you used any newer Crumplers? On the pictures on their
> website they look a bit more convenient to use, and it seems that some of
> complaints have been answered. Unfortunatelly they aren't available in
> Poland, so I can't go to a store an check myself.
> regards,
> Lukasz

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