Hi Christian

- In manual mode, with a lens not in "A" position, the meter does not work, but DOF preview does, just like with the *ist. This really is a shame. Why do the programmers of the camera not just turn the meter ON with DOF preview activated for manual mode?

This makes no sense at all. How can the body stop the lens down with the DOF preview if there is no mechanical link between body and lens? I don't understand how this could possibly work. If the DOF preview can stop the lens down than the body should be able to do the same during exposure, just like a K or M series camera.

Well, there is one mechanical coupling between body and lens - instead of two like on REAL K-mount lenses combined with REAL k-mount bodies. The aperture simulator coupling is missing, but the lever opening and closing the aperture is still there - and still needs to be there with A/F/FA lenses too. Even with A/F/FA lenses the aperture is closed via mechanical coupling (in any mode of the camera), and DOF preview is activated alike

- In aperture priority mode, the camera and its meter work correctly with manual aperture lenses like K28/f3.5 Shift, K500/f4.5, K1000/f8, and Srew Mount lenses with K-mount adaptor.

What do you mean "meter work correctly"? You just stated that in Aperture priority the lens stayed open regardless of what aperture was selected and that the meter reading reflected only the wide-open aperture.

Manual aperture lenses stops down by tehmselves. No coupling between lens and body is required.

Perhaps with screw-mount lenses it would work like the LX in Aperture priority does with theses lenses because the lens is stopping itself down and the meter is getting a stopped-down reading.


I really can't wait to see a full-production version of the *ist-D. The pre-prod sample you saw seems remarkably like the "prototypes" that were at the various shows.

The prototypes were hand-assembled and -painted, this body clearly wasn't. I do not expect any mechanical or electronical changes anymore. Only the software will see a minor revision to make the camera speak all languages fluently. At the moment it is not able to "speak" proper German yet.


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