Pål read the damned *ist manual posted by Pentax USA on their official web site. Some
of your information directly contradicts official released documentation. Spoken word
is hearsay while written words have much more weight in court. Why is that? (Rhetorical
question don't bother to answer).

At 02:44 PM 6/7/03 +0200, you wrote:

Roland wrote:

Now, the information seems strange since Pentax has officially claimed compatibility with K-mount lenses. It's also strange that they in the *ist manual writes that shutter speed varies according to aperture ring position, when it seems not be doing this. Has Pentax any explanation to why the tell and write tings that's wrong? Bad communicaton between the r&d department and PR/information?

This is all very strange and it's time that Pentax explains what they're actually doing and why.

I don't know what they have told others, but I've been told that it wasn't designed with full compatibility. I have indeed repeated this countless of times on this very forum. I was also told that it wasn't finalised yet (back then that is; it is probably finalised by now), so who knows what the final product would have.
They did claim compatibility but not what type of compatibility.


Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. --Groucho Marx

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