All my lenses are of the compatible variety except one. Yet when
  multiplying the focal lengths with the 1.5 factor I only get two
  usable lenses, so digital looks like a more expensive proposition
  than just body and accessories.
  Add to this the relatively low resolution and loss of aperture ring
  control, and obviously at this stage the *ist d is of little
  interest to me. If I were hard pressed to go digital, I'd see no
  compelling advantage in staying with Pentax.
  That's why I'll stick with slide film for a while and wait for the
  dust to settle. Afterwards I'll have a hard look and by then Pentax
  better be very convincing, that is with full frame and decent lens
  compatibility or, if not the latter, then it better offer IS/USM.

  Servus,   Alin

Rob wrote:

RS> OK the D *ist isn't in our hands so we can only speculate based on what's been 
RS> reported. So given what is known who of those of us that envisage moving into 
RS> digital are likely to purchase a D *ist and why? 

RS> Who of us think it's time to move to the dark side and why?

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