mike wilson wrote:
> Hi,
> >
> > Not in my shop. (Sadly). Now that would be a coup. Or is it a coupe? I do
> > have some of Tim Page's gear here though. A 300mm F2.8 (that looks like it went
> > to the Vietnam conflict).
> Coup - unless it is big enough to need wheels.  Or full of hens, in
> which case it would be a coop.  Sell it to Bob W.  He can use it as a
> club the next time some demonstrators try to play the Eton wall game
> with his gear.  Or frame it on his living room wall for veneration 8-)
> Tim's an interesting guy........ http://www.vietnampix.com/poppage.html

Tim? He's an acid-head. And, that's the BEST thing you can say about him...

He ponders, "What's wrong with my brain?"
Fact is, he has little normal brain left.
He will NEVER have a normal, functioning brain. That's also a fact.

"...an interesting guy?" If you get your rocks off talking to
malfunctioning aging druggies and such, it may be okay for YOUR tastes,
but they're way, WAY too irrational for my tastes.
They're spaced out even when they're totally off it!  And you think it's 'cute.'
Yuk!  Yet another wasted human being...
> mike

keith whaley

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