It'll be a rare event for most *ists to be moved off an autoexposure mode in
favour of manual exposure.  We here are representatives of a rare breed of
photographer who like to take control back from the camera.  That single
dial might get wound off its bearings in the hands of one of us, but I have
a strong feeling that on most *ists it will be the least used part of the

Anthony Farr

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matt Bevers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

(previous message snipped)
> Don't forget the user interface - this is one clear strike against the
> *ist, having only one dial to control shutter, aperture and exposure
> compensation.  Now, I haven't used a single dial camera for the
> requisite 6 months, but I have used my brother's Rebel 2000 a fair
> amount, and the single dial drove me nuts.  Without being able to use
> the aperture ring, that single dial is all you have on the *ist.
> -Matt

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