Hi, Carlos.

> Probably the M 85 mm. f:2 is an excellent choice for portraits.

The M 85/2 is a pretty good portrait lens, despite its unpretentious
seeming design, and is the most economical Pentax K-mount 85.

> The lens I use the most for portraits is a K 85 mm. 1.8 and I love
> it.  [and]  The only problem about the K 85 mm. 1.8 is that it's
> scarce nowadays and consequently somewhat expensive, if you happen
> to find one in good condition.

The K 85/1.8 is a really fine lens for portraits, but has gotten
~very~ expensive to obtain.  In the field of expensive 85's, it's a
"best buy"...

> I also  have a K 105 mm. 2.8, but I also think it is a bit long
> for that kind of work.

The K 105/2.8 is fine, if it's not too long for the situation, and
if you watch out for its bokeh.  Actually, I usually wouldn't find
105mm too long, and I often use a 135mm lens for portraits.  (The
limiting factor is often the available space - the 135mm FL gets
might long feeling if the room is small.

> Fred has a comparison test in his web page about several 85 mm.
> Pentax lenses. I found it very useful when I was trying to decide
> which 85 I  should buy.


My favorite 85's are the A* and the FA* 85/1.4's.  (I also like
suing the Tokina AT-X 60-120/2.8 when a zoom fits the situation...)


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