A bit late, as usual...

Taking a look at my old negatives, I've found a roll marked #2,
from my first K-1000, which is 9 years old (May 1994).

My first cameras are the following:

Kodak Instamatic, 1986 (the first camera I can call mine, I had
it from my father when he was given a FX-3 super 2000 as a
present for his 25 years of career), still works;

Konica A-4, first 35mm, December 1990, dead in 1995;

Kiev 4am, first rangefinder with interchangeable lenses, May
1993 (I should have said 'Happy Kiev to me' a month ago, then,
but it would have been far off topic...), still works (year of
production: 1983);

Kiev 19, first SLR, late 1993, broken in 1994;

K-1000, first Pentax camera, May 1994, stolen (sigh...) in 1995.

All those names start with a K, there should be a meaning in




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