I agree.  We should go back to the early 60's.  Those were the days.  I
remember standing next to dad on the front seat of our old Rambler.  Sometimes
he'd let me sit on his knee and steer the car.

None of that sissy seat belt stuff.  Rollover protection?  For babies!
Airbags?  Pah!  Who cared if the bumpers didn't do a damn thing - hell, all
that chrome looked great!  8 miles to the gallon, but hell, we needed those big
V8's to propel our 3 ton chromed beasts at a reasonable speed!  Pollution
controls?  What are those?  Smog is good, it means the factories are running 3
shifts a day, lots of jobs, so we can all buy our new cars every two years.

The days before we became a nanny state were good ones indeed...  <wistful

frank (mostly tongue-in-cheek, but with a teeny bit of sarcasm <vbg>)

Bob Blakely wrote:

> Another example of the "new ruling class" thought. There are those who
> believe they know what's best for us all and ponder taking our dangerous
> toys away from us.
> Regards,
> Bob...

"I don't believe in God, but I do believe in pi" - Henri Cartier-Bresson

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