Brucey thought he was kidding <grin>.

1. How big is an f-stop
2. How fast does your shutter open and close when set to 125.
3. What f-stop do you have to use to have everything from 8 feet to infinity
sharp in your photography.
4. What f-stop do you need to get proper exposure with a #5 clear flash bulb
at 7 feet.
5. How accurate is the Sunny-16 rule for exposure.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Rubenstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 05, 2003 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: *ist D was not production type :-(

> Don't worry Lon, if you are as old as Tom then you have the "knowledge
> of the ages" and can use any gear you desire. If you are younger, then
> you have to take a written test of Tom's (he doesn't care about a
> portfolio: only theory counts) to get permission to use auto capable
> cameras.
> BR
> > Tom, I use this kind of "logic" to justify shooting nothing newer
> > than a SuperProgram, but yesterday I fooled around with my wife's
> > ZX-L and experienced a tad of envy.  Some of the touches on the
> > newer cameras, even one as basic as the -L, are really nice.
> >
> > I believe they can help capture the instinctive "grab" shots that
> > tend to pass me by.
> >

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