If he wants to go back into duty, I'd take that as a good
sign that his spirit will bounce back.  Wish him well from
all in the Pentax PUG world.


Bob Blakely wrote:
After a first surgery to clean and inspect the damage did to my son's feet,
my son and his doctors have agreed to remove what  is left of his left foot.
He will have a synthetic heal built into his right foot. He's scared, but
this will give him his best chances of returning to airborne duty and the
life he loves. Rehabilitation will take about a year. Surgery for his
amputation is scheduled for Tuesday. I'll be there with him.

"Do not suppose that abuses are eliminated by destroying
the object which is abused.  Men can go wrong with wine
and women.  Shall we then prohibit and abolish women?"
-Martin Luther

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