Lon wrote:

LW> What we need is a good ole fashioned thread where
LW> everyone gets to justify a magic piece of Pentax
LW> equipment.  So:  If you had to go photograph, and
LW> you didn't know where or what or why, what lens would
LW> you take with you?  You get only one.

   Uh, I often take some piece of equipment with me even though it's
   totally unlikely that I get a chance to use it. I think it all
   dependents on the mood, so - usefulness alert! - it doesn't
   necessarily fits the real needs.
   Lately I've been carrying both the FA 50/1.4 and the SMC 135/2.5.
   Stuffed with the MZ-5N in a OffTrail bag with one pocket only, it
   makes for a small enough outfit to carry almost everywhere.
   Servus, Alin

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