Tom R. wrote, responding to Eduardo C. Costa:
> Also, threads mutate that is the nature of any kind of list. 
> Complaining because it no longer addresses what you asked about
> is kind of dumb.  

Eduardo was not complaining that the thread no longer adressed what he was asking 
He was grateful for advice he had got and was also amused at the turns that the thread 
had taken.
There was nothing dumb in Eduardo's post. In fact it was quite a sensible one.

> Changing the name of the thread is also dumb.  You just start a
> new splinter that many people think is a separate thread, and
> therefor generates extra posts because they think they have to
> make their point in each of the threads.

What's this? Changing the name of a thread means the same as introducing a new one. 
There is most certainly nothing dumb in doing so. This is what anyone is supposed to 
do if you start talking about someting else, and/or the contents no longer reflects 
what the subject line indicates. This is to make it possible for readers to know what 
is being adresssed and not having to miss an interesting subject (or more easily being 
able to delete it) because the subject line indicates something different from what is 
being dealt with. This is of course also very important for the usability of the 
archives. If the subject line is misleading it's very difficult to find what you're 
looking for, and we could just skip the subject lines altogether.
If it springs from an earlier one, you do like Eduardo does, you put a (Was:...) in 
order for people to be able to realize where you're coming from.
What Eduardo wanted to do, was to talk about what he thought really matters in 
photography, namely that we have fun in doing it etc.
High-lighting this in the subject line, just like he did, was exemplary.

> Moderated lists are ones in which the group or the originator
> has determined that off topic and mutated thread will not be
> allowed and steps are taken to prevent it.  The are censored but
> you know that when you go in.  This is not a moderated list.

So why are you acting a moderator then? And in this case clearly without a cause.

> And, I think the list maintainer, Doug Brewer, would not be
> interested in the extra work involved to make it so.  Doug, by
> the way, is the guy who stepped forward and volunteered to
> maintain the list when Pentax decided to drop it, so you can
> thank him for there even being a list anymore.
> I have always wondered why some people think their objection to
> what others are talking about is more "right" than what the
> others are talking about.  No one is forcing them to read the
> thread.  If you are not interested don't read it.

Then, why are you objecting to what Eduardo is talking about?
Why are you saying that his ways are dumb?
Why are you complaing at all?
You tell others not to read threads that don't interest them, because no one is 
forcing them to do it.
If Eduardo's thread doesn't interest you, why then do you read it at all, let alone 
complaining about it?

> Don't tell the
> people that are into an earnest dialog that they should shut up. 

Who told whom to shut up? You are closer to doing so than Eduardo was, as he was 
humbly asking would we drop a thread that he thought presented the same arguments over 
and over. He was not alone in this impression.
> I don''t like self appointed censors myself.

Does this mean it's painful for you to look into the mirror, or to read your own 
Don't do it then.

>  But, I have noticed that they have no objection to running long threads
> about how wrong those other people are.

So, how long a thread will you be running about how wrong Eduardo is?

> When I had a newserver
> up and running I checked this out.  I found ten times as many
> posts complaining about people wasting bandwidth with off topic
> posts, than I found off topic posts.

Your complaining post s is yet another, with the exception that you are complaining 
about a perfectly on-topic post.
> Of course all of this is just my opinion, but not my humble
> opinion <grin>, 

I agree that your opinion is less humble than Eduardo's humble opinion was.


> > "Eduardo Carone Costa Jr." wrote:
> > 
> > Last week, after the opening of this month's PUG gallery, I
> > uploaded some of my photos and asked if the members of this
> > very fine group of Pentax Users would mind taking a look at
> > them and telling me what is right or wrong about them and how
> > I could try to improve them.
> > the feedback I got was most kind, specially from Tom, who
> > broadened my knowledge and comprehension of photography and
> > JeffW. (whose e-mail seems to be out of order).
> > Much to my amusement, my initial thread developed into a
> > string of commentaries about the merits of cropping an image
> > and the use of zoom lenses.
> > These two subjects seem to be perfect exempla of never ending
> > no wining battles. Of course both sides are correct and also
> > incorrect about cropping and/or zooming. There simply isn't an
> > indisputable truth... There's no use in keeping posting the
> > same arguments over and over again.
> > My guess is that if someone ventured into compiling all that
> > was said about these skills he would get to a very precise
> > guide to the situations and circumstances that demand the use
> > of any of them.
> > IMHO, what really matters when we choose to capture a nick of
> > time with our Pentaxes is that we should be having fun; no
> > matter if it's just a hobby that we've decided to take
> > seriously or we earn our living from our images. The first and
> > most important person to please with our photos is the one
> > that was right behind the camera!...
> > Photography is generally a lonesome art. Even when you are
> > surrounded by people, you're the one That's really "calling
> > the shoots", since you're the only one getting the
> > viewfinder's perspective. What we should really be grateful
> > for is to have the possibility to talk and listen to each
> > other and try to get even better photos.
> > What about moving on to another issue?... I'm sure we ---
> > specially those who, like myself, are still learning --- would
> > benefit from reading more experienced PDMLers discussion about
> > other topics...
> > Anyway, that's my humble opinion.

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