Both primes and zooms have their place. I really don't think it makes all 
that much difference whether you use a zoom or a prime for the type of shooting 
most of us do. I think it is more a question of what feels good at any one 
moment. For many of us it is as much about the experience as the result.  
There are times I want the convenience of a zoom and there are times I want 
the light weight (generally faster) traits of a prime.
Quality- unless you're looking at publication in National Geographic  or huge 
enlargements, I really don't think it's anything to waste too much time on.
My belief is that what makes a lens great for any particular photographer is 
not necessarily the quality of pictures it takes (providing it meets a certain 
standard) but it's usefulness, it's handling, build quality  and most 
important its range or its particular focal length.  
For example, I love zooms in the 28-105 focal lengths. They are incredibly 
useful tools for me. If you were to ask me what my favourite zoom is it would li
kely be the 28-105. Not because it is necessarily the best lens I have but it 
is the one I reach for most often. Therefore it's (in my opinion a great 
For someone else it is an 80-200.
For someone else it is an 85 prime, a 24 prime.... That's the lens they use 
most often. To them that's a great lens....
I think build quality and how the lens feels with the camera and looks 
through the viewfinder influences people's opinions as much as what the lens 
produces in the way of pictures. If you feel comfortable with a lens and like the way 
it feels, chances are you will produce great images with it. This is often 
what influences people more toward loving a particular prime lens. They're 
small, well built, simple to use and they are usually faster than they're zoom 
counterparts. Photographers like what they see through the viewfinder, they like 
the feel of the lens on the camera ... and they create nice pictures as a 
result and enjoy the whole process. I don't think it means that the pictures are 
really much better in most cases. 
Just my 2 cents


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