X - A scroll of news from 
William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- Read it? [yn] y
>Did anyone just recieve a blank email from an undisclosed sender
>with the above attachment?

[Opens Spam folder...]

Yep. I get one of those every Friday from different places.
Looks like the Hybris worm/virus to me.

ObPentax: nl.foto meeting next Sunday. Includes portrait workshops in-
and outdoors. We also get a Donkervoort car (http://www.donkervoort.nl).
You can also have your equipment tested.

The weather forecast does not look very well, better pack some Superia

Just curious how many Pentaxians I am going to meet there...
Johan Schoone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                \\|//
Registered Linux user #78364 - The Linux Counter - http://counter.li.org
Assume nothing, expect anything.

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