I finally made it down to Adorama today. I ended up with the
Bogen/Manfrotto 3006 monopod - folds down to 20 inches, only weighs a
pound. The only problem is that it's silver. Do I need to cover it up
with batting tape to prevent glare? I completely forgot about that issue
until I got home. :)

I also got a Bogen/Manfrotto Compact Ball Head #486. I am looking
forward to using this combination in the field! Thanks again to everyone
who answered my questions about monopods.

I also picked up a set of Cokin P filters - some B&W filters and a
couple for color photography. Once I figure out how to fit the circular
polarizer in the holder, I'll be all set. :) 

Finally, I got to look at a Super Program. A very nice camera indeed,
but unfortunately the best one they had also had a data back on it,
which I found rather cumbersome, so I walked out without it. If anyone
has a Super Program they'd like to unload, I would consider taking it
off your hands!

Hope everyone had as good a day as I had. ;)


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