Yes, I have seen them. Looks well. Hope it was not used a lot by previous
I bought mine for less then 150 euro with A50/1.7 and case so your price
seems to be too high. If you happened not to sell it quickly for the price
please let me know and maybe you offer lower one.
So you sell MZS? We all hope that D*ist appers soon...If not future of
Pentax seems to be rather poor :(
----- Original Message -----
From: "Heiko Hamann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: MZ-S, 43Ltd, Super A

> Hi Alek,
> on 25 Jul 03 you wrote in pentax.list:
> >So the condition of Super A is fine?Clean inside?
> Yes, it is in perfect shape and works well. I bought it used and only
> shot 2 rolls with it but the pictures were fine ande the metering is on
> the same good level as my MZ-5n (at least on prints - I don't make
> slides ;-)).
> >If I would like to buy it I must ask my
> >cousin or friend (in Germany) to buy it from you. Do you recommend it?
> No problem. I could also ship to Poland but that might be more
> expensive. Especially the money transfer. And yes, I recommend it.
> Beside the LX and maybe the ME Super it is the best manual Pentax body,
> I think. The program automatic is really great - I can even use me brand
> new AF-lenses on this body.
> >Do you have winder?
> No I don't. Do you have seen the pictures on
> Cheers, Heiko

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