This stuff prompted me to ask Hugh Burnett to remind me about George King.
Hugh writes:

'An ex-taxi driver was doing the washing up in his flat in London when a
naked Fakir materialised in the room, who told him to go to a hill in Devon.
So he went, noticed two shadows on the hedge as he walked in the moonlight -
and to his surprise met Jesus, who'd come over from one of the planets in a
flying saucer. As a result of this remarkable event the Aetherius Society
was born.

George King - for it was he - in due course invented a Prayer Box, and
whenever appropriate loads of followers would arrive in coaches and
cars to assemble on the now Holy Hill. The box was mounted on a tripod, and
George stood in front of it, awaiting the moment when the chanting group
behind him had charged him sufficiently with prayer-power. Their chant was a
repeated 'Om Mani Patmi Hum!' King would then leap in the air to gain the
force to send the prayer-energy into the box. A lady sat on a stool, wrapped
in woollies and cap - as were they all, because it was freezing - with a
watch, keeping tally of the amount of prayer-powers being collected. Only
George could tell when the Box was full - he could feel the tingle that
signalled success.

We got all this on film, and George, when asked on camera how many
people had told him this was complete, total, and utter nonsense,
replied thoughtfully - 'Not many!'. The prayer-power was not dispatched to
Almighty; it was beamed towards places on earth, facing some crisis, such as
forest fires, tornadoes, earthquakes and similar disasters. It always seemed
to me that it should have been transmitted prior to the relevant disaster,
rather than after it had happened.

King finished up with a notional Peace Prize, presented in Malta, by which
time he'd become a Knight, a Sri Yogi, an Honourable and various other
titles. He'd founded an Aetherius Church somewhere near London Bridge, which
had a flying saucer suspended above the altar.'

Hugh says "Now that he's dead, there's no mention of any of this by various
suited gents, who occasionally turn up on telly fringe-religious

Dr E D F Williams
Author's Web Site and Photo Gallery
Updated: March 30, 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Heide Clausen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: Odd request

> Not questioning your seriousity here, Bernd, but...when you write
> "scientifically proved", then what *exactly* do you mean?
> Inquiring scientist wanting to know.
> --thomas
> On Wed, 30 Jul 2003 20:39:14 +0200
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (U+B Scheffler) wrote:
> > It is scientifically proved that the prayer of lot's of people for
> > a certain person - even if they know it personally - will
> > accelarate the recovery. So I call all the list members that are
> > ready for a good deed to do so. If Bill will accept this. Will you,
> > Bill?
> >
> > Best wishes,
> > Bernd
> >
> > postscript: It should be necessary to know the date of your birth,
> > Bill, to target our action.
> > postscript 2: I mean all this seriously!
> >
> >

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