
You make a perfect sense to me, Frank. Well, not you, but you said,
that is <grin>. Indeed, I was looking out of the window with the
camera in hand and then I saw these two women walking. And then I saw
the umbrella. Then I saw to which direction they were walking and
almost immediately afterwards I managed to shoot them from above
<grin>. What was amazingly favorable condition at that very time, is
the lack of other people since this is rather busy plaza. Even with
220 mm, it is wide enough for somebody else to spoil the shot.

Indeed all I wanted were some lines of the plaza, two people walking
and the Umbrella!

Otherwise, I did not know of any Hungarian photographer to work of
which this looks similar <grin>.


Boris Liberman

ft> I guess I'm saying all of this to tell you that I wouldn't worry about the
ft> "no faces are shown" thing.  For this shot, the human forms in the photo
ft> work perfectly, imho.  You're not trying to say anything about the people
ft> or their personalities per se, but rather, you're portraying them and
ft> their relationship with the architecture of the plaza.  Am I making
ft> sense?  <vbg>

ft> Anyway, lovely shot, Boris.

ft> ciao,
ft> frank

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