----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Cameron Hood"
Subject: Re: OT Virus warning (no hoax beleive me)

> You, obviously, haven't  tried a Mac lately.
> The current virus attracks are ALWAYS against Microsoft software,
> because people are mad as hell and fed up with their crap.

We have a small group of vacuum minded children in our city who target
Oldsmobiles for theft and destruction. Apparently, they are fitted with a
steering column called the Saginaw lock or sone such, which is
extraorinarily easy to jimmy.
The soft minds around here are blaming GM for making an easy to steal car.
I have a different view.
Stealing cars is wrong, and it is the person doing the theft who is the
criminal, not General Motors, as much as I hate the rat bastards for the
crap they put in my Isuzu that keeps screwing up.
I feel the same way about people who write virus' (viri??).
Maybe it's because I work for a large company that is an easy target to take
pot shots at, but I really feel that the people who are writing the
malicious scripts are fucked up bastards who should be strangled with their
own entrails after being forced to eat their own spleens.
It's easy for a small mind to hit a large target.

William Robb

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