True, Cameron, but I'd like to elaborate a little.
I use one of the older Macs, a 3rd rev. Beige G3 PowerMac, with OS 9.2.1.
I've paid for and maintain a good virus program, and it's always
checking the incoming, but since 1986 I've never got a virus attack!
Well, not quite true, I did get a "worm" once, but the effects were
mild, and that was perhaps in 1990 (?)
Nothing since then. <big grin>
I'm very happy with the overall stability of the operating system, and
while not absolutely trouble free, the minor troubles I see from time to
time are miniscule and rather easily fixed or worked around, compared to
Windows problems. 
My problems are with my ISP's stability or the [in]capabilities of the
browser I use, not the OS itself... 
I am not familiar with the latest Windows, such as any of the NT based
ones, but I guess they're quite susceptible to virus attacks.
Good ol' Microsoft!  <g>

keith whaley

Cameron Hood wrote:
> You, obviously, haven't  tried a Mac lately.
> The current virus attracks are ALWAYS against Microsoft software,
> because people are mad as hell and fed up with their crap.
> Get a Mac, and you will have a TOTALLY different computing experience.
> C.
> I suffered through Windoze from 1995 - 2000. NEVER AGAIN!


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