----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Patrick Wunsch"
Subject: Wide Angle Lens Recommendations?

> Hello,
> I am looking for a decent wide angle lens, perhaps something in the 18mm
> 20mm range, and would like to hear your recommendations.  Money is major
> consideration as is quality.  I have looked at the Vivitar, Samyang,
> Phoenix, Sigma, Tamron and Tokina lenses.  I would like to stay under $250
> US.  Would you recommend or not recommend any of the above brands?  I am
> opposed to a zoom lens either but would like to have at least a 20mm
> Thanks for your input, I truly appreciate it!

I have an old Tokina (SD?) 17mm f/3.5 that is pretty good. The Tamron 17mm
manual focus is very good.
The Pentax A20mm f/2.8 is probably the most desirable lens in that range at
the moment, and is excellent.

William Robb

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