
Well, it is my time to announce a new toy <Grin>. Yesterday my F 85/2.8 soft has arrived. Now I hope that portraits of our lovely daughter would be even better <GRIN>.

Naturally, I cannot just post a message and not ask a question. Apparently the screwdriver of my ZX-L had a little dust around it. You know, slightly less than 1.5 years of usage without cleaning. This caused some strange effects in AF behavior with rather heavy above lens. Having cleaned it solved the issue for a time being.

Now, here's my question. What kind of routine procedure I could do __without__ submitting my camera to service in order to keep it clean? I never touched anything on the mount except lens release button. Well, I blew some dust off the focusing screen one few rare ocassions, but this does not count.


P.S. Half the film is already shot with this wonderful lens. PUG, I am coming <grin>...

Супер ДЖИНC!!! Сроки действия больше не действуют. http://www.jeans.mts.ru

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