On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 01:37 AM, William Robb wrote:

Nikon has a more reasonable product turnover, they seem to have real
technical improvements before the release a new camera.
Pentax will probably chug along with the *ist D for a couple of years before
releasing another digital SLR camera.

William Robb

While Pentax probably won't keep up with Nikon's relatively slow pace (or Canon's jackrabbit sprint), I don't think it will take Pentax two years to produce another dslr. They've already done two (tho' the first was a noshow) at glacial pace, by this time they should have the needed design teams and support systems in place to start speeding up (1 year to a year and half at the latest).

I wish mostly for Pentax to catch up with technologies already on the market, and (gasp) actually innovate once in awhile. Refinement of existing technology is great, but at some point they're going to be in the position of offering the finest buggywhip in the world to a market that has moved on to superhighways and high speed mass-transit.

Dan Scott

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