I'll throw my 2¢ in.

I think the 3 main reasons for building a 35mm sensor sized DSLR are:

1.    Larger files while maintaining optimum pixel size and density
2.    Compatibility with existing film SLRs including wide angle lenses (no
3.    Less magnification to any given print size.

Given those, I have no trouble seeing a manufacturer having both APS and
35mm sized sensor DSLRs in their stable. I don't know how many more
megapixels an APS sensor can have and maintain reason #1 above. However,
since 6 MP seems to be adequate for many amateur uses, and I think a smaller
sensor will always be less expensive to manufacture then a larger one, it
has a very useful place. Also, as has been mentioned before,  the lens
factor creates lenses that would be impossible or prohibitively expensive
( the A* 135/1.8 becomes a 202.5/1.8).

Pros and serious amateurs who want or need the larger files or shoot a lot
of wide or extreme wide angle shots will want, and I suppose will be willing
to pay for, the larger sensored camera. A lot of that may hinge on how wide
can they make a good ultra wide retingular lens that will cover the APS
sized format and be able to price it at the 35mm equivalent range.

Whether Pentax, who doesn't consider its 35mm system as their pro line, will
have enough reason to turn out a pro spec'd 35mm sized sensor DSLR remains
to be seen :(


Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself.

Hermann Hess (Demian)

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