At 10:05 AM 8/28/2003 -0700, Cameron Hood wrote:

Amazing shot, Mark. I also find my 1.7 to be a bit soft with my F*300 f=4.5. Perhaps it is the dreaded vibration issue with the PZ1-P. I do use mirror lockup, though.

I almost never use mirror lockup when shooting birds - you really have to capture that critical moment. If you are using the right technique and the resutls are still soft, it may be because the 1.7x and the 33 f4.5 are jsut not a good pair. I was not happy with the results I got from the 1.7x and my Tokina 400 f5.6, though my Kiron 2x TC did pretty well with the Tokina.

I think when you mix two optics - a lens and teleconverter - they can come together in a way the combines and emphasizes their flaws and weaknesses, or in a way that minimizes them. The 1.7x may just be a poor match with the 300 f.4.5

Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI


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