You're looking for a single figue of merit to quantify ability to MF lense on a AF body, and magnification isn't it, because there isn't one. There were differences in the quality of viewfinders with MF cameras and there are with AF cameras. Like many other things, the best correlation between a number and the quality of the viewfinder is the cost of the camera. The highend AF cameras have much better viewfinders.


Bruce, I am aware of the differences between eyepoint, magnification and coverage. I was specifically asking about modern AF camera that boasts magnification higher than 0.8.

You see, what I, personally and humbly, want is an AF camera that allows for reasonable ability to do MF without having to rely on AF confimation light or sound. I think that it would be necessary to have at least 0.8 magnification for that. I think that 0.85 or even 0.9 would be ever better.

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