
You wrote, "... I also find it funny but not amusing that the Jews figure somehow it is everybody else in the world's fault that they didn't have the courage to fight back while they were being killed by the millions. Everybody else should have to pay for the shame that they won't even admit to them selves...."

Who are the Jews figuring it is everybody else in the world's fault they didn't have the courage to fight back? I have never heard this from any Jew or respected historian.

There is no shame of the Jews for the Holocaust. They were people who reacted like other peoples who were persecuted by the Nazis. There were others who didn't fight back: gypsies, homosexuals, Russians, Poles, French, etc. ad nauseum. (What does "fight back" mean - is it passive resistance or physical resistance or psychological resistance?) No one who was persecuted or murdered by the Nazis is a shameful person - whether they resisted or not. And to say millions of Jews have shame for their actions during the Holocaust is a reprehensible and/or ignorant statement.

You are the only person I have heard speak of shame for the Jews during the Holocaust. Why would you think such a thing?

For your information why don't you read about how some Jews did fight back. You might start by reading the books of Martin Gilbert and Raul Hilberg. There are other books on this subject, and I will be glad to furnish you titles and authors if you wish.

Sincerely - John Munro

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