
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 21:41:20 -0400
 "Christian Skofteland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

... Telling these people that tripod use
makes for better pictures is like talking to a brick wall. They won't
listen or much less, try your test. Just the fact that someone could ask
"What's the slowest shutter speed I can hand-hold a XXXmm lens?" indicates a
lack of effort on their part. Jeez, why don't you try it and see what kind
of results you get?

Christian, you're basically right, but your reasoning has to take into account the ultimate outcome. If we're talking 30x40 cm prints or 10x15 cm prints these two are completely different stories. Not to mention scanning and following Web publishing. I am fairly certain that my first PUG submission http://pug.komkon.org/03jan/lonely.html which was shot handheld at 1/60 sec with total 1.5 kg of gear in my hands, would not look too good if enlarged to exhibition size. But for home (10x15 cm) album or for internet, or for studying things such as exposure or composition, the outcome is very acceptable, don't you agree?

I think William Robb was referring to photography for sale or for exhibition, not to amateur study...

Then of course, I may be quite wrong.


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