Alan Chan wrote:
> whickersworld wrote:
> >That wasn't the reason why I abandoned Nikon for Pentax,
> >it was probably *one* of the reasons.  Now Pentax have
> >it, and Canon and Minolta did it a long time ago, I have
> >nowhere to go!
> You can always go LEICA, the final destination...

Well, I do use Leica M as well as Pentax ... but I still
need an SLR system for those shots that are difficult or
impracticable with a rangefinder camera - basically anything
needing a telephoto >90mm, macro and architectural shooting
and anything where I need to see the depth of field in the
viewfinder.  I do like the Carl Zeiss manual focus lenses
for Contax but even that brand is offering two separate,
totally incompatible 35mm film SLR systems!



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