>Gates should 
be in jail for what he did, and continues to do; instead, he is the 
richest man in the world, and is lauded as some kind of giant American 
hero. Time will prove that he has perpetrated the largest scam in 
corporate history. And we have all been his victims.

>     Get a Mac, you'll never look back; just ask Cotty.

>Never again,
Cameron Hood

Frankly, I don't think it's that simple. Being a computer programmer (for 
fun) and having been a computer programmer (for wages), I am not sure it was all 
deliberate (I think some of it was to force people to buy technical support -- 
I've long had my suspicions about that).

But I also think some has to be attributed to ineptitude and too many fingers 
in the pie (programming-wise).

Murphy's Computer Law, if it can have a bug, it will. At least in MS products.

Doe ;-)  OTOH, I've had a lot less problems with 98, 2000, and Me that it 
sounds like you have had.

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