>It was and is deliberate, but not in the sense of having a team of
programmers that does nothing but foul up what the rest of the teams
are doing.  It is deliberate in the sense of intentionally choosing not
to use "best practices" in the development cycle, from inception to
coding to testing to delivery.  It's not just M$, either. It's the bulk
of the industry.


Yeah, well, I've never supported that philosophy. You know a lot of shareware 
things on the Net are more bug-free than stuff one can buy off the shelves.

And when I wrote my own programs for people I tried to make them 100% bug 
free. I didn't always succeed, but most of my bugs were minor. I prided myself on 
being much less buggy than stuff one would buy off the shelf. Even the last 
thing I did, which had a bug (an Access database for a non-profit -- the 
director thought it was a major bug but it wasn't), the bug was minor considering 
what COULD go wrong (like corrupted tables, etc. She has no idea). 

I have seen once, many long years ago, someone that wrote something 
deliberately buggy to sell technical support. Now this was a one person operation 
(software for public storage places -- renting the various sizes of spaces), and 
not a company, but still. It was sold to a lot of storage places.

It happens.

Marnie aka Doe  Test Debug Test Debug Test Debug then Test again. 

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