
I am going to postscript myself to be very, very clear. Sometimes I am not 

Despite the fact that I think art is very, very subjective -- in both the 
creation and the response to it, I think people like feedback. And some 
critiquing can be of real value. And the creator can always reject a part of a 
and only accept those parts that ring their bells -- those parts that address 
something that they themselves may have already wondered about. Or the 
creator can reject all of it.

When it comes to photography, because so much of it is purely technical, that 
gives some less subjective parameters for critiquing:  sharpness, DOF, a 
desirable focal length for a particular shot (I can't think of them all, since I 
not that experienced or that good a photographer and not that good at 
photography critiques).

Also, when Chris, as he had, offers some fairly firm parameters for 
critiquing, that makes it easier, rather than just flailing around trying to think of 
things to say about something that could be very subjective otherwise. 

So I support the idea of more critiques for PUG submissions by PDML members. 

Things I said previously might have sounded contradictory and that I didn't 
support critiques in general -- just on principle.

It's just that I think "art" is so subjective that sometimes people have a 
great deal of difficulty dealing with that very same subjectivity. They want to 
rank it, classify it, make it more objective, less subjective -- fit it into 
some kind of mold that will help them define it. Help them see some kind of 
"universal" standard that will hold up over time and be applicable to all kinds 
of art.

It can be done, it is done, sometimes doing it is even valuable, such as in 
giving creators feedback -- but it does not really change the fact that art is 
very subjective.

I think that is as clear as I can be.

Marnie aka Doe  Maybe. Maybe I can never be that clear. ;-) And what the hell 
does it matter what I think, anyway? LOL. It's subjective, so what you think 

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