Hi Dave,

On Wed, 8 Oct 2003 08:00:44 US/Eastern, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I really should be embarrassed to ask this,but i'm over 50 and
> i can claim the "senior moment" disorder now.lol

That's OK.  I've been having them since I was a senior in high school.

> I put the K-M42 adaptor on the K1000, a 2x converter and used an M42,
> 200 f 4 tak.The spot meter suggested 125 at just under f 8.

What film speed were you using?  For the moon, use 1/filmASA at f/11
for the center of your bracket (the "Moony 11" rule).

> Does the 2x make the lens a 400 from a 200 AND the f stop from
> f4 to f 8????

2X T/C doubles both focal length and f-stop ... it became a 400/8.  The
doubler causes only the center 1/4th of the lens' image to be projected
onto the film.  That means you "lose" two stops of light.  A 1.4X T/C
only costs you one stop of light.

> If the later is the case should i have left the lens at f4, set
> the switch to auto and it would have been at f8 for the picture.??

That sounds right.


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