edwin wrote:

ein> Basing a digital on the middle and bottom-of-the-line cameras means
ein>  that you don't get all the features that might be nice.  A $20 or 
ein> whatever feature is a trivial  addition to a $1700 digital but probably a 
ein> noticeable addition to the  $200-$300 film camera it is based on.  Price 
ein> competition is pretty tight down there at the entry level.  

  If the K/M incompatibility and aperture ring drop are just an
  accident as you describe it, then P should reassure its user base
  more or less officially that other bodies above current *ists will
  still support them. The fact they don't - despite the hard to ignore
  whining (Japan user communities included) - simply shows this is
  where P is heading.
  Servus,  Alin

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