> >
> > This still comes down to demanding that everybody pay
> > the extra $10 or so, even if this is for functionality
> > they don't want and will never use.
> No offence, but everyone keeps pulling numbers out of thin air. Sometimes
> it's ten bucks, sometimes it's twenty, but no one with any authourity has
> actually come up with a real hard and accurate number for how much extra,
> overall, this camera would have had to cost with K/M compatability.
> Since, as JCO pointed out, the camera is already more expensive than a Canon
> 10D (whatever), and is way more expensive than the Rebel digital (like about
> 500 bucks), it seems to me that adding even more to the cost of the camera
> for a dubious benefit wouldn't have been very smart.
> William Robb

No offence taken.  I used the $10 figure because it was the lowest one
I had seen quoted; other posts have talked about a $20 part, etc.
Personally I think the cost would be significantly higher  by the time
you factor in all the development, testing & support costs.

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