
Do you have any info about the MZ-6 (or other cameras) internal structure?

Alex Sarbu (who wants Heavy Metal-style cameras. Hmm...
I've heard that Zenits are made from steel :-) )

You're one lucky fellow - I just happen to have MZ-6 and used to have Zenit back in Moscow.

I don't know much about MZ-6 internal structure, but in my hands it does not squeek or flinch or whatever the word is appropriate. You cannot let it fall, but you cannot let fall any modern Pentax camera really. None of modern Pentax bodies has die-hard construction. You know, I suppose that MZ-6 may save me in street fight (it has nice long strap) if I knew how to fight with Pentax cameras. But I suppose it can save me only once.

Yes, Zenint is close to undestructuble. Not invincible though - your child can still put their finger through the shutter and kill the sucker...

MZ-6 is low-mid level amateur camera, probably one of the direct predecessors of film *ist. I used MZ-5n for several days recently. It is just a little, really little more sturdy. May be it just pretends this way...



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