Thanks for your input on the *ist. I will have to take a look at the
other cameras you suggested.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bucky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 7:20 PM
> Subject: RE: *ist 35mm
> I played with one yesterday while discussing the D with my friend who
> works
> at the local Enabler shop.  It's cute, I suppose, and handles nicely,
> I
> HATED the interface for setting shutter speed and aperture, having
> used
> to the Z1p's lovely layout (the Tv and Av wheels, echoed so
> on
> the *istD).  I do like the placement of the DOF preview feature,
which, on
> other bodies, has always seemed somewhat out of the way to me.
> Another gripe I noticed in the few minutes I played with it was the
> "ZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIP!!!" it makes when you release the shutter, almost
> the sound of those kiddies' toy cars with the flywheels and gears
> them (you know, the ones where you push them on the table and get the
> internal mechanism spinning, and then they keep going for a couple of
> yards
> with all that energy stored in the flywheel).  Not bad outside or in
> crowded
> places with lots of talking going on, but WAY too loud to be
> in
> a quiet setting, and, subjectively, smacking of plastic and cheapness
> barely-adequate motors.
> Now, as someone on this list has said (and I agree), plastic is not
> automatically a cheap substitute anymore.  I am  a fan of *good*
> construction, for weight issues, resilience, and the like.  However, I
> don't
> like the nagging feeling that the machine I'm using is fragile.
> My preference would be to get a used MZ-5N or -3, although I am sure
> some will disagree.   I had a 5N for a couple of years, and it was
> supremely
> intuitive in its interface, being essentially like the manual SLRs
> all
> on such intimate terms with.  In the end, if you like how it feels and
> its interface works, then go for it, because that's all that matters.
> BTW, the Batt. Grip makes it MUCH easier to handle, IMO.  I find the
> Pentax
> bodies a little hard to deal with because of their small vertical
> dimension - I like to have more space for my hand.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cari Spano [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 19-Oct-03 15:56
> Subject: *ist 35mm
> Has anyone used the *ist 35mm camera? I currently own the SF1 which I
> have had since about 1987 and I am thinking about buying a newer
> I would love to hear some input on it. I would love to have the *istd
> but that is way out of my price range.
> Thanks for your input,
> Cari

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