This is pure speculation on my part, but it appears to me that the *ist 35mm
is a sort of hybrid between 35mm and digital.  Approximately the same size,
same mount, LCD on the back and other features similar to the *istD.  Almost
like the Pentax engineers started with somewhat of an idea of producing a
digital, based on their film experience, and ended up saying, "Hey, we're
about half way through this process and we've designed a small, compact film
camera, let's run it by the marketing department and see what happens".

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "alex wetmore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 19, 2003 10:49 PM
Subject: RE: *ist 35mm

> On Sun, 19 Oct 2003, Bucky wrote:
> > I played with one yesterday while discussing the D with my friend who
> > at the local Enabler shop.  It's cute, I suppose, and handles nicely,
but I
> > HATED the interface for setting shutter speed and aperture, having been
> > to the Z1p's lovely layout (the Tv and Av wheels, echoed so
considerately on
> > the *istD).
> Ouch.  I just assumed that the *ist had the same UI as the *ist D.
> Why do these two cameras have the same name?  It seems like they have
> nothing in common.
> alex

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