Stephen Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Doug Franklin wrote:
>> On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 11:25:54 -0800, Bob Blakely wrote:
>> > A murder of LXs? (Black like crows.)
>> > An arsenal of LXs? (You shoot them. I particularly like this one.)
>> Us rednecks just call it a s***pot of them. :-)
>Us Mid-Atlantic rednecks would call it a s^^^load of 'em.
>(Not documented by H.L. Mencken, of course)
>D. Glenn suggested a "clique." How about a "ka-chunk"? ;-)

Or perhaps just "ka-" without the "chunk", to simulate the mirror
sticking up ;-)

>(Us LXers get to make those kinds of jokes, heh-heh.)

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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