Mr Reichman wades in: 

Not an endearing review.  He covers all the relevant points I think, both good and 
bad, but seems to do so from an unfavourable predisposition.  Cant say any of his 
facts are incorrect, but everything seems tinged with bias, and I don't agree with 
many of his handling complaints which is purely subjective.  Unfortunately one of the 
major plus points of the ist (its size) is one of his major gripes so it was never 
going to win him over I am afraid.  I still cant believe how people moan about AA 
batts too - this is a fabulous advantage.  I can have a backup set of rechargeables 
for £5 and an emergency set of liths which last 10 years without losing their charge.  
Plus I can use the batts in my flash or nick the batts from there as yet another 
backup.  I don't know how the hell he got so few shots with a set of Alkalines as he 
says either - must have been a c**p brand.

When I chose the missus digicam for Xmas, I was soo pleased that I could get one which 
took AAs and CF cards - great interchangeability with the ist, and the right choce 

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what Mr R says if I like it but his tone was 
very sour for some reason - perhaps it was just the way I read it, but it seemed 
almost like a mission or vendetta to shoot it down.  I used to get hung up on which 
one might or might not have the nth degree better resolution etc - until I got the 
chance to order one.  The reviews werent out yet, there was no feedback from owners 
yet either, but I didn't care anymore because I liked it and it didn't matter if 
CanujiKon xxx was better or worse, because they don't take my glass.

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