Okay, this is kind of weird, but instead of getting a MX to stay hanging 
around this list (being a semi-Canon defector), I've been thinking about a 
Spotmatic. Screwmount lenses also will fit on my Elan 7e, so not so weird as all 
that. A Zenitar fisheye would work on both. And I already have the Super Tak 35mm 
3.5. So screwmount lenses are starting to appeal to me more and more. Then it 
occurred to me, I've been thinking of an all manual camera anyway, so why not 
a Pentax all manual screwmount instead of the all manual MX? 

Spotmatics also go fairly cheaply on ebay. 

But there are different versions. Right off the bat, I notice a II and a F.

Which would be the best to get? Or is there another version that would be 
even better?

Marnie aka Doe  Boy, when/if I got digital I would have OLD and NEW. That 
would be ironic. Not positive I want to do this yet, but it sort of makes sense. 
Input welcome.

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