Hi Cotty,

on 12 Nov 03 you wrote in pentax.list:

>Ah, zooms. I never considered a wide zoom when I wanted my wide angle.

Honestly - with my MZ-5n I was very satisfied with the 28mm of my 28- 
105PZ concerning wide angle. But it took only one day to change that:  
When I tried this preproduction *istD with its 18-35 lens, I made the  
mistake and put the 18-35 on my MZ-5n. After that I did wonder, why I  
don't own a lens wider than 28mm... :-)

So I decided to get a wide angle lens or better: an ultra-wide-angle  
lens as it will be cropped on my new *istD. And I agree, that it doesn't  
has to be a zoom: One of my favourite lenses n the MZ-5n is the SMC-FA  
35/2.0. Some years ago this lens would have been called a wide angle ;-)  
So I'm used to move when using a lens like this. A toom has bigger  
advantages in the tele range - FullACK!

>Plus there's a part of me that still thinks a prime lens has got to be
>better than a zoom. I'm not sure how true that is in this day and age....

I think, this is still true. And the difficulties, building a good zoom  
instead of a prime, should be even bigger in the wide angle range.

>As you know, I'm a manual focus guy. I do us the AF on my AF lenses
>sometimes, though rarely.

It's quite opposite with me ;-) but...

>The depth of field at this focal length renders focus almost academic.
>Certainly with landscapes. I set for good depth of field and let it go.

...this makes the SMC-A 15/3.5 my new favourite ;-)

>My focal length choice (he rambled on) has settled well over the years
>and I now have the right combination for me. I'll use 35mm equivalent here:

You're a lucky one: I have some very nice lenses but still haven't  
sorted out, which give me the right combination. And the *istD is a  
whole new variable... For example: I like the 35/2.0 very much, but on  
the *istD it is a 52.5mm lens. Or the 43 Limited: what the heck will a  
64,5mm lens be good for? Of course theese lenses are still great, but it  
will take me much time to find their new fields of operation. Maybe it  
is easier to define it the other way round: I shouldn't ask, how I can  
use my lenses, but which lenses I will need. And then go shopping =:-|

>Sorry to ramble on. Good luck with your wide quest Heiko.

Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences! I will keep you up-to-date  
about my quest for the holy wide angel.. :-)

Cheers, Heiko

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